Week 18 picks have been posted.......... Week 18 Still Alive Standings have been posted.......... Week 18 Winners have been determined and the website has been updated.......... All week 18 picks must be submitted by 1:00 PM ET Sunday 1/5..............................

1st Half Winners have been determined and the website has been updated. I will wait until Friday to send checks to give people a chance to challenge me. Please check my work.........

WEEK 01 allentown17 SirLoudPack WANGER
WEEK 02 Rickydee GoBrowns
2way tie for 2nd
WEEK 03 Richard Bookem allentown17
WEEK 04 allentown17 LeftCoastCowboys Cornish Game Hens
WEEK 05 Anthonyswife WANGER Carleen
David Fantanza
Dr Vee
WEEK 06 Par For The Cours allentown17 Pizzo
WEEK 07 TonyD JOE GERSONIA Ain't it nice
WEEK 09 BillsFan David Fantanza KingFish
WEEK 10 Spitz1957 LJ Matthew Davis
Timothy Rowe
WEEK 11 Cornish Game Hens David Fantanza Wilbur
WEEK 12 Donna Kluge Gary / Pizzo 2way Tie For 2nd
WEEK 13 Bearguy13; Wilbur Honey Badger
WEEK 14 JSP2 Bookem TonyD
WEEK 15 JSP1 J B Bruce Comfort
WEEK 16 MeMaw Bookem allentown17
WEEK 17 Commish Danno
3way tie for 1st 3way tie for 1st
  "Lucky" Award allentown17 $433.00
  "Snubbed" Award David Fantanza $302.00
  "Kicker" Award
Par For The Cours $171.00
Only places 1 thru 3 are combined for any ties. If 4 people tied for 1st the money for 1st, 2nd and 3rd would be added together and divided by 4.

If 4 people tied for 2nd the 2nd and 3rd place money would be added together and divided by 4.

If 4 people tied for 3rd the 3rd place money is divided by 4.
  "Next Hottest Picker" Award wreckingball LeftCoastCowboys SirLoudPack
Bruce Comfort

4-way Tie
at 64.7% and no weekly wins
  "Broken Heart" Award WANGER

Who was in 2 weekly tiebreakers without a win
I will wait until Thursday before I pay the 1st Half winners. Giving players time to challenge me. I am human and I do make mistakes; so please check my work.
  "Lucky" Award Richard
"Snubbed" Award

Tie for 2nd
3Way Tie For 1st $349.00
  "Kicker" Award
3Way Tie For 1st $197.00
When there are ties for 1st I add the prize money for 1st, 2nd and 3rd together and divide by 3. $1,046.00
Divided by 3 = $349 each
Only places 1 thru 3 are combined for any ties. If 4 people tied for 1st the money for 1st, 2nd and 3rd would be added together and divided by 4.

If 4 people tied for 2nd the 2nd and 3rd place money would be added together and divided by 4.

If 4 people tied for 3rd the 3rd place money is divided by 4.
  "Next Hottest Picker" Award Pizzo

4Way Tie at 1 point back and no weekly wins
Divided by 4  = $22.75 each
  "Broken Heart" Award Pizzo 68.4%

Wilbur 66.9%

All The Way May 62.5%

Bookem 63.2%
There were bunch of people who were in 2 weekly tiebreakers and didn't win a weekly.

So to come up with a winner I look who had the highest W/L % for the 2nd half and Pizzo wins it with 68.4%.
  "Best Overall W/L % for the full season" allentown17 at  69.5% for the entire season

$303 for each half
I will wait until Thursday before I pay the 2nd Half winners. Giving players time to challenge me. I am human and I do make mistakes; so please check my work.