$how Me The Money 2024 is open for business..... NFL Training Camps are just around the corner..... The start of the season is not far behind..... The First game is Thursday September 5th. Don't delay..... Submit your 2024 Entry form today..... Welcome back football; we've missed you............

Let's get the season started. Just a few short weeks and NFL football returns..........





Week 01 is in the books and the website has been updated.

The Super Bowl Squares pool is officially open.

Major controversary in the Detriot loss to the Cowboys Saturday Night. From what I saw on ESPN Sunday morning it sure looked like #68 reported as eligible to the officiial. It looked like Detriot sent 3 players to conference with the official to not show there hand to Dallas. It was a BANG BANG situation on the field and everybody was huring as it was a live game clock. I believe the official got it wrong. Bottom line is the NFL Rlue needs to change. I don't have the answer, but maybe what needs to change is the HC needs to communicate to the official in the sky or the official on the sideline as to who is reporting as elligible and it has to be recorded. After the play is over in a situation like that all TD's are reviewed. As part of the review what was communicated to the official needs to be reviewed and if it results in an overturn than so be it. But in the heat of the play with all the crowd noise and everything happening I believe it was a bad call by the officials.

My Raiders played a very lack luster uninspiring game yesterday and their season is over. No big surprise.

The Bills hung on to beat New England to setup a showdown for the AFC East with the Dolphins in Miami in week 18. With a Buffalo win they win the AFC East having beaten the Dolphins twice, but if they lose and some other things happen the Bills could miss the playoffs. It is the game of the week for sure.

The Browns continue to impress with a win over the Jets.

The Ravens secured the #1 AFC seed with a dominate win over the Dolphins.

The Cardinals were down big yet mounted a big comeback and took down the Eagles. Which locked up the #1 NFC seed for the 49ers.

Welcome to all the ROOKIES and thanks for joining. The official count is 84. If you paid thank you if not please do so ASAP.